Hello there, and thank you for visiting my blog! If you enjoy books and reading, video games, and movies, we’re going to get along just fine. If you don’t like those things, maybe you will after reading a few of my book reviews or about some of my gaming adventures.

If you absolutely hate those things…it’d be advisable to turn back now. Thank you for the visit though!

Books, gaming, and movies are just a few of my passions that you’ll find in this blog.

From a very early age I enjoyed escaping into worlds that were not my own. Starting mostly with Need for Speed II on PC, where my dad and I would compete against each other via time trials.

The McLaren F1 (1993) is still my favorite sports car.

Not really a “new” world, but as a kid racing through these brand new towns, I started imagining what life would be like in them. When I got my PlayStation 2 (upgrading from an Atari) my world was opened with works like Final Fantasy X, Okami, The Sims, and of course more Need for Speed titles. And then as I got older, and started reading more and more, my library grew and grew. Combined with a love for the cinema and movies, it wasn’t until I was a young adult that I realized, that what I loved, and what connected all of these mediums to me, is that they were all stories.

I am a lover of stories. Be it spectator, or participant. If there is a story there, I am interested.

If you’ve reached this point on the page, I take it you are too.

I am Relyks, now let’s dabble in a little Wolfcraft…
