This is a Spoiler Free review

Have you ever loved a story or a couple so much that you’d take reading their tale over and over again as long as there were some changes between each edition?

Well that’s how I feel about Hades and Persephone.

Back when I was in high school (we’re talking 2008-2009) I took Latin, mainly for the mythology that I knew I’d get to read. And at one point for a project we were asked to draw a scene from one of our favorite stories. I drew a depiction of Hades in his chariot, pulled by three black horses, bursting from the earth by a mulberry tree, to steal away Persephone.

So when I was listening to my new favorite podcast, Books_N_Betches (parental advisory recommend) on YouTube and they went over Neon Gods, I knew it was one I had to pick up.

Book Blurb

Society darling Persephone Dimitriou plans to escape the ultra-modern city of Olympus and start over far from the backstabbing politics of the Thirteen Houses. But all that’s ripped away when her mother ambushes her with an engagement to Zeus, the dangerous power behind their glittering city’s dark facade.

With no options left, Persephone flees to the forbidden undercity and makes a devil’s bargain with a man she once believed a myth…a man who awakens her to a world she never knew existed.

Hades has spent his life in shadows, and he has no intention of stepping into the light. But when he finds that Persephone can offer a little slice of revenge he’s spent years craving, it’s all the excuse he needs to help her – for a price. Yet every breathless night spent tangled together has given Hades a taste for Persephone, and he’ll go to war with Olympus itself to keep her close…

Neon Gods by Katee Robert

What I Loved


These aren’t your grandma’s gods…

This book definitely took those origin stories and spun them in a new way, one that I had never seen before. I thought it was a very creative take, especially since there have been so many retellings of Hades and Persephone in recent years.

When you read about how Hades and Zeus come to be, versus how Demeter comes to be, you’ll be thoroughly impressed with eyes-brows popping at the ingenuity.


This is a Romance novel, and I will say the spice level is pretty high in my opinion. So keep that in mind when diving into book one of this series.

There are no trigger warnings in the beginning, and there’s nothing too rough in this book, but I will say now that there is a certain degree of kink mentioned…in detail.

But despite the aforementioned kink, what I loved about it in this book, is the theme of consent.

I think consent is hella sexy, in real life, but the more I read, the more I love it in books too. Whereas when I was younger I remember reading romance novels where the romance may not have been non-consensual, but it was heavily one sided.

So to see a romance book just really display some good communication in the sexual arena was pretty awesome.

The Beard

I have read my good fair share of romances, fantasy and contemporary. Most of the time our leading male is without facial hair save for some scruff at best.

Part of me gets that, because I remember being younger and thinking beards and facial hair were gross.

However, I am older now, and I’ll admit to being a bit biased with my husband sporting a nice and tidy beard. So that when I read this book and (okay, mild spoiler here) Hades has a beard (as he’s often depicted in myth) I was thrilled.

Beards need more representation besides on just Scottish lairds…if even then.

What I Didn’t Love

Lack of Depth

As much as I loved reading this book, having devoured it in a day, I will admit that the story seemed pretty flat.

I know it’s a retelling, but I was hoping for a little more depth and background on this ultra-modern Olympus and the Thirteen. However, it felt like such details were brief if there at all.

Knowing this is the first in a series though, I’m hoping more will be revealed in later books.

The Conflict

Zeus in modern retellings has been recognized as the not so idyllic leader of the gods…I mean, when you become a joke for how much you sleep around what do you really have going for you?

In this book he is made out to be our antagonist, the one big evil, however, it definitely was written like the bark was worse than the bite. The conflict was lacking for my particular tastes.

I know this was a romance, but I definitely would’ve liked to have seen more that the main protagonists have to face and overcome.

In Closing

Neon Gods by Katee Robert was a fresh take on a story that has been rehashed several times over. Though the story as a whole was relatively flat, it had enough spice going for it, and a great relationship that were able to carry it into the realm of good reads.

I will definitely be picking up the next one in the series soon!

I gave Neon Gods


Until Next Time,