Book Review: Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

Ninth House is the first novel of Leigh Bardugo’s that I’ve ever read, and I’m pretty sure it’s the first “dark academia” book I’ve ever read. Missing persons, death, flashbacks to a horrendous past, and ghosts can all be found within the pages. The synopsis hooked me, the book fulfilled me, and I will indeed …

My Bookish Rating System

It occurred to me, that I read more books than I review here on the blog. Yet I still rate those books on my Goodreads account, and over there I’m not the best about writing out my thoughts. I know, I need to get better. So people understand my reasoning for giving something three stars …

Book Review: Happy Place by Emily Henry

If you’ve been to any of the bigger chain bookshops of late, you undoubtedly have seen an end-cap or display for Emily Henry and her array of books. Happy Place being brightly pink, hardcover, and front and center. Whoever chooses the cover art knows their stuff. It’s captivating. How many hot pink books are out …

Book Review: The Troop by Nick Cutter

I’m sure we’ve all had that random musing of a thought, a question, about what would we do if we were left stranded on an island. Just me? Surely not. Maybe it’s all the documentaries and thrillers, but I’ve thought about it a good deal. Now, what I hadn’t considered was someone else showing up …

Book Review: The Bone Ships by RJ Barker

Picture it, walking down the rows of books of your favorite bookstore, your gaze sweeping over hundreds and thousands of titles. You have a TBR at home, you really don’t need another book, or two, or three. But there you are still, and you see a title that snags your attention, and suddenly the book …